jueves, 3 de noviembre de 2016


1)WEB 1.0,WEB 2.0,WEB 3.0
When we talk about this webs, we are not talking  about the Internet, we are also talking about the way that users participate in activities online.

  • Web 1.0 or the read-only web: Information on the Internet was only for reading. It was a network of documents and people could not interact whit the content(they couldn't give their opinions, ask for information or registrer users. In addition, the information online was not updated very frequently.
  • Web 2.0 or the social network: In this web, information became bidirectional. Users could not only receive information, but also create and share it. New services appeared and became popular, such as email,chats,videoconferences,forums,blogs,wikis and programs for person to person file exchange.
  • Web 3.0 or the semantic web: New technologies allowed the integration of the data and the web so that programs could understand and work with the information that they received.Cutting-edge developments formed the basis of technological evolution

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