viernes, 4 de noviembre de 2016


Weblogs or blogs are special type of a web page.They were originally used as online diaries for people to share their personal experiences.
Bloggers publish entries or posts in chronological order,with newer posts appearing at the top of the list.The people who read these posts can also write their own comments abour them.
Blogs have other characteristics which made them interesting:
-The same blog can be shared by various bloggers working together as a team
-Blogs can include hyperlinks to photos,audio recordings or videos(in this case of video blogs or vlogs).
-We can use blogs to make daily reports about a project and receive helpful feedback from other people.
-Businesses can use blogs to improve their customer service,by quickly responding to questions or coomplaints about their products.
Resultado de imagen de bloggerResultado de imagen de tumblr logo
A wiki is a collection of web pages that visitors can edit,modify or expand.In this way,the content grows quickly with the contributions of the people working on it.
Like other web pages,wiki content must be stored on a server.Normallly,this would require paying for a hosting service,but many wikis use a free online services instead.
Adding new content to a wiki page is quite easy:

  1. Look for an Edit button and click on it.
  2. Make changes to the existing content or write a new contribution.
  3. Look for a Save button and click on it to save the changes.
After you save your changes,a revised version os the page will appear immediately.Many wikis often open access to their Edit and Save functions.
Wikipedia,is a universal encyclopaedia with no restrictions on use,modification or redistribution.Anyone can contribure their knowledge to the project.

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