viernes, 4 de noviembre de 2016


Desingning And Creating A Web Page
Desingning a web page
There are no official rules for how a web page must look.However,you need some basic knowledge of design,to insert images or chage colours,for example.This will make your web page more attractive and user-friendly.

  • Title:The title that you choose is very important,since it indicates the overall topic of your web page.If you registrer your web page with a search engine,the title will be used to match your page with other people's search criteria.The title os  web page also appears in the banner section of a web browser
  • Colour combinations:Many web pages are quite difficult to read because they use a poor combination of colours.You should remember this when you choose text and background colours for you own web page.
  • A balanced layout:The most attractive web pages have a balanced layout or distribution of elements.
         To archieve this effect,we can use tables to structure the information in neat columns and                    rows.In addition,tables allow for other functions:
         -Inserting and eliminating rows and columns.
         -Combining and dividing cells.
         -Drawing borders on cells and tables.
         -Changing the background ant text format of each cell.

  • Hyperlinks:Hyperlines can be added to images or texts.There are two types os hyperlinks:
        -External links take us to other websites related to the topic.
        -Internal links take us to a different part of the same website.

  • Visual impact
         -Another fundamental aspect of web page design is the effective combination kf text formats              and images.
         -If we want our web page to look more dynamic,we can add animated gifs,which are images                that move.We can also use dynamic text formats,which change their colour or appearance.
  • Comments from users:Altough you shouldn't give any personal information on the Internet,it may be interesting to receive feedback from users who visit your web page.
  • Page order:If you have created various pages,you can join them together with internal links.Here are two ways that you can order the pages.
         -Linear order:One page follows another,like the pages of a magazine.
         -Hierarchical order:From the first page,we can link to any other page that we like.

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