domingo, 26 de febrero de 2017


Electrical energy is a form of energy that is transported by an electrical current.
Electrical energy is the most commonly used energy in modern, industrialised socities. There are many technological objects around us that use electricity.
Electricity is very common for two reasons:
-It can be easily transformed into other types of energy, such as light and heat.
-It can be transported over long distances in ways that are cheap and efficient.

A power station or generating station is a place where energy from natural resource is transformed into energy that we can consume. If the energy obtained is electricity, it is called an electric power station.
After the electricity has been generated, it can be transported to locations where enery is needed.
How electricity is generated
Electric power stations require source of energy, such as the mechanical energy of falling water. They use generators to transforms this energy into electricity. This generatos are called alternators.
An alternator usually has a stationary part, called a stator, and a moving part called a rotor. The rotor has an even number of coils that receive direct current.. The coils act like electromagnets and produce an electromagnetic field. A turbine turns the axis of the rotor, which generates an alternating electric current in each of the stator's coils, which coincide with one of every two of the rotor's coils.
The turbine-alternator system is used at all power stations except for photovoltaic stations, which use a different type of technology.
Resultado de imagen de electric power stations
Resultado de imagen de the transportation and distribution of electricity
In this video, ,we can watch the transportation and distribution of electricity.

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